How Do Physicians Get Licensed in the State of Georgia?

At Frances Cullen P.C., we have represented a number of physicians who have had to take a hiatus from practice for several different reasons and are seeking to become licensed. In one case, I represented a physician who had not practiced for 25 years due to a past criminal conviction. We were able to work toward his goal of becoming licensed and he is now a physician practicing in the state of Georgia.

In another case, I represented a physician who had not worked as a doctor for over 10 years due to impairment issues. We successfully worked together to make sure that we were in the best position possible so that he could reach his goal of becoming a licensed physician again and working as a physician. We know how to handle these type issues. In terms of applicants, we've worked with many from out of state or foreigners who might not meet licensure requirements because of the changes in the licensing requirements over the years in the state of Georgia.

Changes in licensing requirements may often require the assistance of legal counsel due to certain forms that have to be provided and to also make sure that your application will stand out as cleanly as possible and put your best foot forward.

There's an expression that your first impression is your best impression. What we do in terms of applicant cases is make sure that the first impression is the one that the medical board is going to remember and the one that's going to take you through becoming a physician in the state of Georgia. We have worked through so many problems with physicians to obtain their goals and we can work with you to reach your goals.


At Frances Cullen P.C., we go straight to the heart of your matter and we help you achieve your goals. Contact an Atlanta healthcare law attorney today!