Are You a Dentist with a Licensing Board Case and Administrative Issue?

Dentist with Licensing Board Issue

If you are a dentist with a licensing board case, administrative issue, or criminal case, we have 25 years of experience we will bring to bear in providing you with the best legal representation possible for your case.

We are knowledgeable and experienced with the laws and rules regulating the practice of dentistry in the State of Georgia. And we're familiar with the Georgia Board of Dentistry and can therefore guide you through the investigative process and understand the issues you may be facing with a board matter.

A board case begins with the complaint followed by an investigation, followed by a board review. We know the Georgia Board of Dentistry and we are also familiar with the other agencies that might seek potential action against your license or present you with other legal issues.

We have the knowledge and experience to best provide you with sound, legal representations with these issues.

At Levy Pruett Cullen we have 25 years of experience with dental issues that we will bring to helping you in resolving your case.